Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day #2 &3


I started my Welcome Programme at Sciences Po. I met Katie, Krista, and Adrien there. It was nice to see some familiar faces. Everyone else seemed to be paired with people from their home universities so it was hard to meet new people immediately.

The director of the program introduced herself and all of the of offices for international students introduced themselves. After the introduction, we signed up for all the fun events happening this week. I'm on a tour of the Louvre tomorrow as well as on a Cruise on the Seine. The on Thursday there is a dance run by the BDE ( Bureau D'Eleves Sciences Po) and on Friday I'm going on Baguettes and Berets, which is a tour run by 2 grad students of St. Germain des Pres. They are going to show us all the non-touristic sites.

After the madness of signing up for events we went to explore the cafeteria. Fun! Then Adrien and I went to Laduree (, which is this famous pastry shop that makes really fancy cakes and is especially know for their macaroons. It was a little expensive but I felt that I needed to try it once while in Paris. Adrien and I also went to the Jardin du Luxembourg and walked around. A very fun day!!

Sunday- Jet lag is awful. I was so tired all of today and I slept 10 hours last night which never happens. Still, it was a wonderful day. I had breakfast with my host mom, Corinne, and with the dog, who is just as energetic as Gizmo. Afterward, we took a walk to Champs Mars right behind the Tour Eiffel. It was so nice out today! Corinne showed me how to use the metro and the buses and on the way we even stopped at an outdoors market that takes place every weekend just outside of the metro stop. We also went by St. Germain des Pres to see Sciences Po. I was afraid of getting lost tomorrow.

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